legendary cars Test Drive III: the Passion 1990 car game
Test Drive III: the Passion 1990 car game

Test Drive III: the Passion (1990)

Test Drive III: the Passion Test Drive 3 1990 car movie

Test Drive 3 was following Test Drive 2 that had not very impressive graphics, but is still remembered for great atmosphere and elements of humor, while Test Drive 3 is in fact a step back - the graphics were still rather poor, the controls were poor and the fun elements were gone. Not to mention the unexplainable subtitle "The Passion"... Passion?! Where?!

We have only 3 cars available: Lamborghini Diablo, Ferrari Mythos and the Chevrolet Corvette CERV III, but even though they have different dashboards, they have different colors it makes very little difference which one of them you choose - the problem with game is not in the choice we have, but in the poor controls. First of all the cars are sluggish, the controls are far from being easy to master and at the end there is not really any prize for your efforts - the graphics are poor, the biggest attractions are bridges, some buildings and railroad crossings. While Test Drive 2 was difficult there was an element of challenge and the funny bits were motivating users to try again, in Test Drive 3 it is quite opposite - the driving is depressing and feels pointless. It simply isn’t fun to use this game (it’s even hard to call this activity "playing" the game).

Retro game that was part of well known Test Drive series, but is the weakest link in this series - sluggish controls, poor graphics and absolute lack of fun. I realize the hardware limitations of those times, but when you make average quality simulator and call it a game it is a bit far fetched.

Test Drive III: the Passion 1990 car game
Test Drive III: the Passion 1990 car game

Test Drive III: the Passion videos

Test Drive III: the Passion

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